
Advancing Ethical AI: WAME's Commitment to Innovation and Responsibility

Official Statement from WAME

In light of the recent controversy surrounding the utilization of Mr. Ned Luke's voice in our application, we at WAME wish to express our profound understanding and concern. This incident has highlighted the intricate interplay between the advancement of AI technology and the ethical and legal realms.

  1. Innovative Use of AI Technology: Our incorporation of AI technology aimed to revolutionize the gaming experience, not for commercial exploitation but as an integral part of our research and technological development. The AI-generated voice, modeled after Mr. Luke's, was intended solely to enhance player immersion.
  2. Distinct AI Voice Synthesis: While based on Mr. Luke's voice, the AI voice was independently synthesized and fine-tuned, resulting in a unique creation entirely by AI. This represents a significant exploration into the capabilities of AI voice synthesis technology.
  3. Immediate and Responsible Action: Upon recognizing Mr. Luke's response, the application was promptly withdrawn. This immediate action reflects our commitment to responsible practice and acknowledges the oversight in our initial approach.
  4. Upholding Creative Freedom and Rights: We staunchly advocate for creative freedom and agree that the rights of those who inspire creative works must be equally respected. We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Luke for any distress caused and take this as a crucial learning opportunity to strive for a balance between creators' rights and ethical AI usage.
  5. Advocating for Clear Legal Frameworks in AI: This incident underscores the urgent need for clear legal frameworks governing AI technologies. WAME is prepared to actively engage in discussions with industry peers, legal experts, and policymakers to establish a stable legal foundation that will enable safer and more ethical AI development and application.

Conclusion:WAME commits to protecting the rights of voice actors and creators while advancing ethical AI practices. We believe this controversy serves as a pivotal moment in harmonizing AI technology with relevant legal statutes.

Thank you.

WAME Executive Team

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